Tuesday, August 30, 2011

SuperVIEW2 Available for iPad Tablet

From: http://www.spacetimeresearch.com/superstar-71-delivered.html

International Statistics Institute, Dublin, Ireland, Aug 21-26, 2011 - Space-Time Research today introduced several new features in its SuperSTAR suite of analysis and dissemination products.

SuperSTAR is a world leader in integrated solutions for multi-variable, confidentialized tabulation of large volumes of microdata such as population or agriculture censuses. Enhancements to the SuperSTAR suite include the SuperWEB and SuperVIEW solutions for ad hoc creation and visualization of aggregate and micro data tables as well as the high speed SuperCROSS table creation.

Tablet Support

The announcement today included the availability of the popular SuperVIEW in mobile-friendly form.  Features include the ability to finger set time ranges and move between data sets in Timeline charts.  The rich interactivity of HTML 5 touch-support benefits enterprise users of iPad or Android devices.  Enterprise ready native support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 results in at least 10X performance gain in thematic map and market map loading.  Organizations with public or private data can now provide the rich SuperVIEW experience to mobile users.

SuperVIEW2 Experience

SuperVIEW2 has the flexibility of creating Data, Chart, Dashboard and/or Geography Views, providing situation-appropriate user experiences.  SuperVIEW2's dynamic, customizable charts such as the Population Pyramid provide attractive ensure a positive experience use experience. All charts, line, column, bar etc have real-time in-chart drilling.  Charts can be implemented in single or dual language format for local language plus English or other second language situations. See screen shot attached.
 For geo-centric applications SuperVIEW2 supports ArcGIS version 2.3 and incremental polygon drawing so the user can see results as soon as data is available and while the map is still rendering. A performance enhancement feature allows SuperVIEW to make large ArcGIS requests on behalf of the web browser and stream the response back to the browser.
SuperVIEW Dashboard functionality can be embedded in SuperVIEW sites to identify and report on key data or attributes, then can be used for navigation to drill down to tables beneath the indicator.


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