Wednesday, October 12, 2011

U.S. and UK Urge OECD to Make Data Freely Available Online


FCO Press Release: Tuesday 11 October 2011

Hague and Clinton write to the OECD Secretary General on Open Data

On behalf of US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, the heads of the two countries’ missions to the OECD delivered a letter on 4 October 2011 to the Organisation’s Secretary General, Angel Gurría. In it, Mrs Clinton and Mr Hague called on the OECD to commit to the principles of the Open Government Partnership, and make all of its core data freely available online.  

Both countries recognise the OECD as a uniquely valuable source of internationally comparable information. For over fifty years, its work has allowed governments to evaluate their own progress. Now, with citizens empowered by new technologies, they too will be able to use the OECD’s data to hold their governments to account. This is a golden opportunity for the Organisation to reinforce its position as the champion of better policies for better lives.

Notes to editors

1.    The UK was announced as the 2012 co-chair of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) at its inaugural meeting in New York on 20 September 2011. The Open Government Partnership is an innovative international initiative bringing developed and developing countries together to promote transparency and harness new technologies for open government to help fight corruption, engage citizens and save lives.

2.    In July 2011 the Prime Minister released a letter which detailed new commitments on data which represented the most ambitious open data agenda of any government in the world. The letter can be found at:

3.    The Cabinet Office is currently running an online consultation on open data. The open data consultation is available for comment

Kind regards, 
Press Office l Foreign and Commonwealth Office   

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